Sleep problems and insomnia have become a modern epidemic, and yoga therapy offers a holistic approach to regaining healthy sleep. Yoga Therapist and Expert Lisa Sanfilippo Explains How Yoga Practices and Techniques Address Certain Underlying Problems That Prevent You from Enjoying a Good Rest and Provide Immediate Results That Strengthen Over Time. In this book, the author teaches how to work on sleep on five levels: physical, energetic, mental, emotional and spiritual. Sanfilippo’s Sleep Recovery™ Method Starts With Yoga That Releases Body Tension. This work, which respects natural Yogic and Ayurvedic approaches and is based on modern neuroscience, addresses the deeper emotional and psychological reasons that prevent you from sleeping well, incorporates trauma-sensitive approaches and offers simple daily habits to promote better health. Rest. With a totally integrative vision, Sanfilippo shows us how to restore emotional balance to always enjoy a good sleep.
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