An ancient philosophy, coming from Hinduism and Buddhism, according to which the same energy that flows through our life is the one that flows inside us. The 7 Chakras Interact With This Universal Energy And Form The Various Aspects Of Our Life.
When The 7 Chakras Are Harmonized, They Let The Energy Flow. If for any reason any of these energy points are blocked, the energy stops flowing, negatively affecting the aspect of our life related to that chakra. For the energy to flow again we must unblock that chakra.
There are many ways to use chakra stones for healing. Once you have chosen the stone you want to use in chakra healing, place it near or over the chakra location on the body. A Lying Position Is Easier To Work With Chakra Crystals. However, you can use a stone while standing or sitting by simply holding it in your hands or wearing it as jewelry on an earring, in your pocket, or any item of clothing such as a bra that is kept close to your body.
Focus on the Activation of the Resonance between the Stone and your Chakras with the Power of your Intention, Meditation, or simply Relax knowing that you have the support of Chakra Stones to Harmonize Frequencies.
Represented with theColor Red, This Chakra is Located at theBase of the Column.It is Connected to the Earth Element and is Related toVitality and Survival.When This Chakra Is Not It Is Aligned, As The Digestive System And The Spinal Column Are Linked, You Can Suffer Lack Of Vitality, Back Pain, Feelings Of Cold, Sexual Problems, Constipation And Aggression. The most effective way to rebalance it is through a healthy diet, working on the Earth with activities such as gardening, exercising or dancing.
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